Mudpuppy to The Rescue! Jumbo Puzzle, 25 Jumbo Pieces, 22”x22” – Great for Kids Age 2+ - Fun Colorful Illustrations of Hard-Working Animals in Rescue Vehicles – Convenient Rope Handle on Box

Price History on Amazon

Date(s) Price
2020-10-11 thru 2021-02-03 (116 days) $14.99 ($0.60/unit)
2020-10-10 (1 day) $14.81 ($0.59/unit)
2020-10-07 thru 2020-10-09 (3 days) $14.78 ($0.59/unit)
2020-09-25 thru 2020-10-02 (8 days) $14.85 ($0.59/unit)
2020-09-24 (1 day) $14.08 ($0.56/unit)
2020-09-19 thru 2020-09-23 (5 days) $14.06 ($0.56/unit)
2020-09-10 thru 2020-09-12 (3 days) $14.09 ($0.56/unit)
2020-09-09 (1 day) $14.27 ($0.57/unit)
2020-09-08 (1 day) $14.30 ($0.57/unit)
2020-09-07 (1 day) $14.29 ($0.57/unit)
2020-09-06 (1 day) $14.16 ($0.57/unit)
2020-09-04 (1 day) $14.19 ($0.57/unit)
2020-08-30 thru 2020-09-03 (5 days) $14.37 ($0.57/unit)
2020-08-25 (1 day) $14.33 ($0.57/unit)
2020-08-22 thru 2020-08-24 (3 days) $14.30 ($0.57/unit)
2020-04-08 (1 day) $13.70 ($0.55/unit)