Bluedot Trading Submersible Tea Lights, Purple, 24-Pack

Bluedot Trading Submersible Tea Lights, Purple, 24-Pack

Type: Tea Light

$16.63 / 24 candles = $0.69/candle

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Price Refreshed: 2020-02-26


COMPLETLEY WATERPROOF! Because they are waterproof tea lights that are battery operated, you can put them in aquariums, vases, or other table decorations

LONG LASTING & REUSABLE:Typically lasts 30-40 hours (your results may vary).

BATTERIES INCLUDED: Replaceable Batteries - There are 2 per light-#CR2032 )

USE FOR ANY OCCASION: Use the lights anywhere you want to add color - weddings, fish tanks, pool, birthday parties or just daily use in your home.

OTHER COLORS/ QUANTITIES AVAILABLE: Our high quality tea lights are available in virutally every color and quantity combination!

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Bluedot Trading Submersible Tea Lights, Purple, 24-Pack
Bluedot Trading Submersible Tea Lights, Purple, 24-Pack
Bluedot Trading Submersible Tea Lights, Purple, 24-Pack